Saturday 6 January 2018

Advice for parents concerned about children sexting

Child security group Internet Topics has introduced a brand new list of suggestions for parents that are concerned about their children getting involved in sexting.

Here are the Complete list of guidelines:

1. Sexting can lead to bullying.

Young men and women may view sexting as a harmless activity but shooting, sharing or receiving a picture can have a long-term impact on a kid’s self-esteem, of inappropriate content can lead to negative comments and bullying and can be quite upsetting.

2. It might impact your kid’s reputation.

Explicit content can spread very fast over the web and affect your son’s or daughter’s reputation at school and within their community both now and in the future. It might also impact their education and job prospects.

3. It’s against the law.

When children participate in sexting they’re creating an indecent image of an individual under the age of 18 that, even when they take it is against law. Giving an indecent image of a child – e.g. sending it through text – can also be prohibited. It is very unlikely that a kid would be prosecuted for a first offence, but the police might want to research.

The time to talk about sexting along with your child is as soon as they start using the net or receive a mobile phone.

5. Utilize the ‘T-Shirt Test’.

Remind your child that after a picture was delivered, there is not any means of getting back it or understanding where it will end up. Ask them to think until they send a picture of themselves: ‘would I want my loved ones, teachers or future employers to view it?’ – try the t-shirt evaluation, if they would not wear it on a t-shirt, do not send it.

6. Have a reply ready.

Speak to your child about getting some answers ready if they’re asked to send explicit pictures. A simple “No I won’t be doing this, so never ask me” will suffice. If you’d like something wittier, ChildLine has produced a free program – known as Pipit – that has witty pictures to ship in response, such as a photo of a pair of blue tits with the slogan “here you go”.

Empathise how your child might feel pressured into sending something even though they know it is not the right thing to do. Help them to see that the outcomes of giving into pressure might be much worse compared to standing up for it.

If you are child was delivered a sext, find out that the content was shared with originally, who it was passed on to, whether it was done or turned into a joke gone wrong.

Your child’s school will be able to assist you deal with the repercussions and encourage your son or daughter at school. If the picture was shared with other children from the school they should have a procedure for working with it and will be able to help halt the picture being shared any farther.

If you guess the picture was shared with the adult, speak to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), that will be the national policing lead for online child sexual abuse.

11. Speak to the website or supplier.

Social media sites should get rid of a picture if asked. If the picture was shared by means of a mobile phone, speak to the supplier who should be able to supply you with a brand new number.

If your son or daughter calls ChildLine and reports the picture, they’ll work together with the Internet Watch Foundation to receive all known copies of this picture of your child removed from the world wide web.


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