Saturday 24 February 2018

New Orleans Dad ‘beat mother of his sons to death’

38, Alex Sanders, was charged with all murder after authorities say he overcome on partner Amy Cancienne to death

A father was charged with beating against the mother of his two sons to death after accusing her of sleeping with another guy.

Final 30, after Amy Cancienne was found dead in his house in the New Orleans suburb of Kenner, Alex Sanders, 38, was charged with all murder.

Police consider Sanders defeat on Cancienne in the back of their house until she died, leaving a liver which proved fatal to her.

Cancienne was a mother-of-six who had two sons with Sanders, aged   3 and 2.

An autopsy found she had suffered a history of violence. Her body was covered in lumps and she had 20 broken ribs in a variety of stages healing, NOLA reported.

Neighbors said Sanders overcome on her almost continuously throughout their six year relationship, and at least three times each week.

The beatings had instilled lately, witnesses following Saunders had detained Cancienne of sleeping with another guy.

A witness told officers that Sanders had been ‘thumping her bum’ in the back of their home on November 11.

The neighbor said that they discovered.

Emergency services have been called to the house to reports on a woman on the couch.

Police say that he beat her in the back of their home on this street in Kenner, a suburb of New Orleans, so badly that she died of internal bleeding and suffered a lacerated liver

When they arrived they found Cancienne pronounced her dead, and was cold and stiff to the touch.

Other residents at the house said Cancienne, who had a history of homelessness, laid down, shot six packets of headache medication , and had arrived 3am.

She had a history of drug abuse and medical problems, they said.

Sanders claimed he’d been cutting grass outside a home store, and wasn’t at home at the moment.

But CCTV footage showed Sanders had not been outside the store after the autopsy showed Cancienne died that he had been detained, and as he claimed.


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