Saturday 24 February 2018

New Orleans Dad ‘beat mother of his sons to death’

38, Alex Sanders, was charged with all murder after authorities say he overcome on partner Amy Cancienne to death

A father was charged with beating against the mother of his two sons to death after accusing her of sleeping with another guy.

Final 30, after Amy Cancienne was found dead in his house in the New Orleans suburb of Kenner, Alex Sanders, 38, was charged with all murder.

Police consider Sanders defeat on Cancienne in the back of their house until she died, leaving a liver which proved fatal to her.

Cancienne was a mother-of-six who had two sons with Sanders, aged   3 and 2.

An autopsy found she had suffered a history of violence. Her body was covered in lumps and she had 20 broken ribs in a variety of stages healing, NOLA reported.

Neighbors said Sanders overcome on her almost continuously throughout their six year relationship, and at least three times each week.

The beatings had instilled lately, witnesses following Saunders had detained Cancienne of sleeping with another guy.

A witness told officers that Sanders had been ‘thumping her bum’ in the back of their home on November 11.

The neighbor said that they discovered.

Emergency services have been called to the house to reports on a woman on the couch.

Police say that he beat her in the back of their home on this street in Kenner, a suburb of New Orleans, so badly that she died of internal bleeding and suffered a lacerated liver

When they arrived they found Cancienne pronounced her dead, and was cold and stiff to the touch.

Other residents at the house said Cancienne, who had a history of homelessness, laid down, shot six packets of headache medication , and had arrived 3am.

She had a history of drug abuse and medical problems, they said.

Sanders claimed he’d been cutting grass outside a home store, and wasn’t at home at the moment.

But CCTV footage showed Sanders had not been outside the store after the autopsy showed Cancienne died that he had been detained, and as he claimed.


Friday 23 February 2018

Hurt Children Hurt – Silly And Child Parent Violence

‘Hurt children hurt’ is a truism but hurt children do hurt and though it’s a snappy term it will not quite encapsulate the reality of being hurt from your kid. It echoes those memes that haunt me and Facebook feeds declaring ‘Adopted children develop in your heart not the tummy’. Not really my cup of java, all a little distant and twee from the fact of my adopted family. However, hurt kids is a fact for most adoptive families also it will not fit with the joyful adoption story which purveys ethnic consciousness. That the most vulnerable children lash out and perpetrate violent acts against their parents and carers is the embarrassing fact for society. Violence from children isn’t frequently discussed or a subject to increase company but the truth is it does happen. For many households, the violence of their homes is a continuing and overwhelming trait of their lives.

Obviously we all could love that toddlers have tantrums or that teens sometimes lash out. I am sure we have all looked on as a flustered parent has fought with a kicking and screaming two year old at the local supermarket distraught over something they’re not allowed. I have been that parent, it is not fine, but generally dangerous.

What should you do when are more than mishaps or the normal, though challenging, toddler tantrums? Imagine if it’s violence? Violence that’s daily, unleashed by the slightest perceived provocation, personal and sustained, yelling and hitting, physical and verbal abuse that bruises and injures body and finally mind?

As our family grew we began to experience this type of violence. I composed a site at 2014 about some of our family’s adventures, not accidents or tantrums but sustained bodily assaults which were having a significant effect on us. Admitting that you’re fighting to oversee your child’s behaviour is really a taboo. To acknowledge that you’re fearful of your child or that their violence has reached a strength and frequency that it’s impinging on your ability to function as a household unity is perhaps too much to elongate. I was worried as I published the post, I had checked it with my wife and she agreed that we had to poke our heads over the parapet.

Like a nerve touching, the response was immediate and loud. Comments, tweets and messages all echoing my experience with adoptive parents, carers and foster carers sharing their own stories of violence and assaults. One together with families seeking to share their adventures the stories came after the next for times and days. Drawing these together in a study on the effects of violence on teens, according to a survey I released at the end of this past year, it calms the challenges and adventures that lots of adoptive parents face. There’s limited research into child and that which there’s focuses on teens. Parents advised they had from children as young as four. Hard to imagine but that’s exactly what they said and also the reluctance was compounded by the age of these children.

For many children that have experienced trauma, loss and separation they are wired to react to stressful or challenging situations using a flight, fight or freeze answer. If your child’s response is fight that’s what you’ll need, perhaps not a tantrum however a struggle. It is. Request any adopter exactly what they believe of sticker charts and I guarantee you it will not be pretty.

The majority adopters and were concerned for the welfare of families, their families as well as their children. It was obvious that most were however prepared to be adopters they had never heard the term ‘Child on Parent violence’. If they’d awakened the courage to speak to Social Workers, GPs or educators that they were disbelieved or their worries as ‘normal behaviour’, at worst their ability to parent was questioned. Within the adoption area there is limited study on the prevalence of child on parent violence but what there is suggests it is almost as large as 30% and by the number of parents that contacted me I would have to agree with this figure. There are hints that it might be greater depending on how you measure it or specify child. Regardless, the figure is greater than in the general populace, which is projected at 2 to 4 percent, also raises concerns of the groundwork that we give adults as they come to adopt. With just one in three parents undergoing child on parent violence then we need to construct moral preparation which educates prospective adopters and provides families resources to manage.

Children that are adopted and endangered represent some of their children in the society. They have been hurt and this hurt is beyond what most of us will ever experience, it’s trauma, loss and separation all at some time when they are overly vulnerable. That hurt succeeds in frustration, confusion, fear and grief. That compels them to try and keep their world in an arrangement that stops them being hurt. Violence is occasionally involved by that strategy.

Adoption isn’t a model of caring for children but it’s a model that’s preferred for children that have experienced the aspects of the society. Should we be so surprised that they express their own adventures through violence? Equip and we need to ethically prepare families for this challenge and be sure that our children’s workforce know this hidden phenomenon. Children that are hurt hurt.


Tuesday 20 February 2018

Parent asks to Add Pupils, parents

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — Dayton parents are voicing concerns regarding the district possibly closing several schools due to low registration. This comes following the district abruptly shut down a task force meeting concerning the issue after the news media showed up to cover it.

A parent 2 NEWS spoke with Tuesday night’s board meeting states she wants the district to be more transparent about this issue and wants the district to create more of an effort to listen to parent concerns before making any big decisions regarding colleges closures.

The district claims it intends to have community input on this matter, but still has yet to happen.

“You do not see a agent,” Cameron Walker said. “Of a parent or a pupil on our task force.”

Parents, like, Cameron Walker demanding and are angry responses, calling for the district to add pupils and parents to this task force assigned to tackle the registration issue. Walker claims the district should engage with the community about this issue sooner rather than later.

“Who’s out there actually talking to the parents,” Walker said. “And listening to these parents”

The district claims it will get public input relating to this matter, however they nevertheless to specify a date.

Board Member Karen Wick Gagnet wants parents to know any choice will be done in the best interest of the pupils.

“I would like to guarantee the neighborhood,” Karen Wick Gagnet said. “Along with the staff which you have each our positive intentions that we aren’t endangering any jurisdiction or any position other than just to do great work for our kids and our neighborhood.”

It has been a month as the district identified these 9 colleges with enrollment include:

  • Meadowdale High School
  • Meadowdale Elementary School
  • Rosa Parks Preschool
  • Wogaman Middle School
  • Dayton Boys Preparatory Academy
  • Innovative Learning Academy
  • Westwood Elementary School
  • World of Wonder Elementary School
  • Edwin Joel Brown Middle School

At this time, the district hasn’t made any decisions on.

“The biggest question,” Walker said. “Is where our pupils go and where our teachers go.”

DPS parents respond to low registration numbers

DPS reports reduced registration, could close some colleges next year

Dayton Mayor, DPS leaders shape college facilities project drive

School board votes to terminate sponsorship of charter college


Monday 19 February 2018

Types Of Construction Insurance

In plain and simple terms, builders liability insurance covers damage to property and bodily injuries incurred at a construction site being worked on by a builder. This type of insurance is a lot like car insurance in that it is required, specifically, it is required of builders before they can submit a bid for any project. The government requires it, and it makes sense to imagine private project owners require it too. But how much coverage is needed?

The ideal coverage amount is three times the cost of the project. Having three times the amount means that there will be adequate money even if multiple claims against a builder.

If you search for it online, you will see that there are many insurers out there that specialize in builders liability insurance. But just like anything else, not all of these insurance companies are created alike. Ideally, you should only do business with a company that is rated B, at the very lesser because that means the insurance company will not be going out of business anytime soon.

difference between builders risk and property insurance

If you search for it online, you will see that there are many insurers that provide more or less the same coverage, however, they can – and do – differ in the premium you need to pay. In general, though, builders liability insurance is expensive and that’s the reason why there are companies that finance premiums for builders.

builders risk insurance definition

You should know what is employers liability insurance. You can use it to pay for the treatment of injuries that occurred at the construction site. Any damage to property resulting from work being done at the site is also covered. It doesn’t matter if the person injured is third-person or that the damaged property is owned by a person who has nothing to do with the project. As long as it happened at the construction site, it’s covered. Of course, this does not mean there is no limit to the coverage.

The builder sets the limit and works with the insurer on the retroactive date of coverage. If a claim is made because of an incident that happened before the date, it will not be covered.

Builders liability insurance is flexible in that aside from policy owners being able to use it to pay hospital bills and repairs, it could also be used to pay for litigation costs like attorneys fees in case the policy owner issued.

cheap construction insurance

If you need builders liability insurance, make sure to get a quote from at least three insurers. Compare the premiums you need to pay versus the coverage amount. Also, compare the terms and conditions. As we mentioned before, this type of insurance is so expensive, indemnity companies are often needed to finance it, which is why you need to shop around.

Once you find more info about an insurer to work with, it will only be a matter of finding an indemnity company. How much you actually pay depends on how risky the work is.


Friday 16 February 2018